
Abby Sunderland Rescued by French Fishing Vessel, Ile De La Reunion — 5 Comments

  1. I’m very relieved to see that Abby is safe. Many thanks to the De La Reunion!

    Abby’s Facebook page has a link where they are trying to raise money to salvage her boat. I’d rather they raised money to compensate the fishing boat and crew.

    Abby and her family are also working on a reality show and DVD which is even more upsetting:

    I’m grateful that no one was injured or killed rescuing this young girl.

  2. I also am very relieved that Abby was picked up and is alright. I would very much like to see the French vessel, de la Reunion, captain and crew, who paused what they were doing and went so many miles out of their way to go get her, be compensated.

  3. Abby, Thank you so much for your efforts to sail around the world. Good luck on your second try.

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