The Lost Camera and the Sea Turtle

I am not making this up.

In the middle of May, a gentleman, whose internet nickname is Aquahound, found a camera in an underwater housing that had washed ashore in Key West.   There were still photos and video on the memory card dating back to November of last year.   From the photos and his understanding of the currents, he surmised that the camera must have originated in Aruba.  There was video footage on the memory card from January,  which he found quite disturbing.

The shot on Jan, 2010 looked, at first, to be the death of the diver. The camera was thrashing on the surface around and all I saw was fins. I was horrified at first! Then, I figured out what I was seeing. [A sea] turtle had the camera in his mouth… When the turtle bit into it, it powered on and started recording.

The sea turtle will not win any awards for camera work, but the video that the turtle shot of itself is now on Youtube.

Aquahound posted the photos that were on the camera to various scuba and travel boards on the internet and successfully located  Dick de Bruin, who had lost the camera while diving the Big Eagle beach anchor off Aruba on November 11th 2009 .

Our very best wishes to Aquahound for his heroic and successful efforts to return the camera to its owner.   And all our best to the sea turtle, as well.

Lost Camera – Any Arubans Here?

Found Camera – – Help!

Sea Turtle Finds Lost Camera


The Lost Camera and the Sea Turtle — 3 Comments

  1. Sollte es sich um eine kleine Kamera für das Handgelenk ohne Blitzlicht mit einer Speicherkarte von SD Verbatin 2GB handeln bitte um Kontaktaufnahme Kamera: ca 5*4*2 cm

    Besten Dank