Happy World Ocean Day

June 8th is officially World Ocean Day,  “a global celebration of ocean conservation,”  sponsored by the United Nations since 2008, and coordinated internationally by The Ocean Project and the World Ocean Network.  The theme for this year and next is : Youth – the Next Wave for Change.  Most activities this years seem aimed at educating children about the oceans.  Other than that it is hard to tell what is going on as both the World Ocean Day and The Ocean Project websites are down this morning, which is not terribly encouraging.  Nor am I overly impressed with their nifty marketing idea of “Wear Blue – Tell Two.”  The idea is to wear blue on World Ocean Day and tell two friends why you are wearing blue and/or two things they didn’t know about the orcean, or somethiong along those lines. Sadly, I doubt that that “wearing blue and telling two” will do much to address the very real problems of ocean conservation.

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