Weird Beachcombing News – Beach Rocks Set Woman’s Shorts On Fire

Not quite too sure what to make of this. Of all sports, beachcombing seems like one of the safest.  Apparently, a woman, beachcombing with her family on a San Clemente Beach in Southern California, pocketed a few rocks which may have contained naturally occurring white phosphorus.  Friction between the rocks may have caused an ignition, setting the woman’s shorts on fire and resulting in severe burns to the woman’s leg.

Rocks Set Fire In Pocket: Woman Burned By Beach Rocks That Spontaneously Combusted In Her Pants



Weird Beachcombing News – Beach Rocks Set Woman’s Shorts On Fire — 3 Comments

  1. LA Times May 18th:
    The lack of scientific consensus, however, hasn’t slowed the speculation on Twitter. Some have suggested the rocks, somehow, are connected to the troubled San Onofre nuclear facility just down the coast.

    Maybe some sort of radioactive waste wandered up the coast, they imagined.

    That’s about the only theory Earthman is willing to rule out. “I would be very doubtful about that possibility,” he said.

    But beyond that, the case of the burning rocks remains unsolved.,0,2717991.story