
Climbing to the Royal Yard on the Whaleship Charles W. Morgan — 4 Comments

  1. This is the most exciting piece of work I have ever seen, so I thank you. Reading about sailing ships since an early age, I could not imagine ever being on one, and surely never climbing on one. And yet, there you (and we) are, going to the royal yard. Thank you again. This 77-year old can now cross off another item on the never-to-be bucket list.

  2. It brought back memories of when I joined the Royal Navy at the age of 15 in 1949. We had to ‘go over’ the mast weekly unless it was snowing or covered in frost and ice. ‘Manning the Mast’ was a ceremonial carried out on special occasions for which the Button Boy received a silver shilling. Of course there were no safety lines in those days – things had not really changed since Nelson’s day. Quality of the video may vary but there are others if you use key words such as HMS Ganges Mast – manning, button boy etc. All credit to modern day youngsters who still ‘get up there.’

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