Happy Juneteenth! Emancipation on Galveston Island 150 Years Ago Today

Model of SS Cornubia of 1865

Model SS Cornubia

Today is Juneteeth, a commemoration of the abolition of slavery in the state of Texas, in particular, and  in the Confederate states in general, one hundred and fifty years ago today.

On June 5, 1865, two Union Navy ships, USS Cornubia and USS Preston, steamed into Galveston harbor. Both ships had been captured from the Confederacy. USS Cornubia was a 210′ long British fast iron paddle steamer, purchased by Confederate agents as a blockade runner, renamed Lady Davis, and then captured by the Union Navy in 1863. USS Preston was a 170′ twin screw British blockade runner named Annie, captured in 1864. The ex-blockade runners carried Captain B. F. Sands with a detachment of Union troops to raise the United States flag over the federal customs house on the Texas island city. On June 18, 1865, Union General Gordon Granger arrived at Galveston Island with 2,000 federal troops and took full control.

The war was over. Lee had surrendered at Appomattox Court House on April 19th, 1865, but word of the surrender took time to travel west to Texas. The Army of the Trans-Mississippi, the last major Confederate army in the field, finally surrendered on June 2.  While the Emancipation Proclamation had been in place since 1863, until Federal troops arrived to enforce it, it was a largely meaningless document.

On June 19, standing on the balcony of Galveston’s Ashton Villa, General Granger issued five “general orders.” General Order No 3. read in part:

The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor.

Former slaves in Galveston celebrated in the streets after the announcement and, in 1866 freedmen organized the first of what became annual celebrations of Juneteenth in Texas. Barred in some cities from using public parks because of state-sponsored segregation of facilities, across parts of Texas, freed people pooled their funds to purchase land to hold their celebrations, such as Houston’s Emancipation Park, Mexia’s Booker T. Washington Park, and Emancipation Park in Austin.

The celebration of Juneteenth has waxed and waned over the years. Given the racist terrorist attack in Charleston, SC left nine dead, and white supremacists continue to be the greatest source of domestic terrorism in the nation, this seems like a good time to renew its celebration.  As Kenneth C. Davis wrote in Smithsonian magazine, a few years ago:

This year, let’s remember Juneteenth, the holiday that doesn’t mark a document, a battle, a birthday or a national tragedy, but the fundamental promise of America being more completely realized—the day on which Thomas Jefferson’s rousing rhetoric finally rang true throughout America, for all Americans.


Happy Juneteenth! Emancipation on Galveston Island 150 Years Ago Today — 4 Comments

  1. I had just read a local news article explaining what Juneteenth was. That article only had some vague theories as to why it took so long for Texas slaves to be freed. Your blog has the answers to their questions and clearly and in detail explains what happened. Kudos to you and thanks for the article and the timing to honor those that were killed in Charleston.

  2. The Confederates in the Trans-Mississippi knew of the fall of Richmond and Lee’s surrender at Appomattox by late April, but they hung on a month longer anyway. They were left without instructions or guidance, as the Confederate government itself never surrendered. Ultimately E. Kirby Smith surrendered not so much because the Confederates in the east had done so, but because his own command simply dissolved as the rank-and-file soldiers decided they were simply done with all of it and went home.

    In the Confederacy, emancipation was understood almost from the beginning to accompany the Union armies. The Emancipation Proclamation was widely known (and derided, and ignored) throughout the Confederacy, but it took the actual physical presence of Union troops to put it into effect. That’s why it took until the arrival of General Granger with his troops to make it real, and official.