Brazil’s Snake Island — Don’t Go There

Queimada Grande is a Brazilian island in the Atlantic Ocean roughly 90 miles from São Paulo. It is off limits to most visitors, not because it harbors secrets or treasure, but rather because it has more snakes, between one and five per square meter than perhaps any other spot on the face of the earth. And these are not just any snakes, but a unique and deadly species of pit viper, the golden lancehead.  Not surprisingly, Queimada Grande is nicknamed Snake Island.



Brazil’s Snake Island — Don’t Go There — 4 Comments

  1. Some reporter from ABC took a trip there with a guide within the last year.
    Did he ware snake-boots?
    Don’t remember?

  2. In fact supposedly the island did contain secrets and a treasure according to Discovery’s “Treasure Quest: Snake Island”.

  3. The Discovery Channel also ran three “documentaries” suggesting that mermaids and the prehistoric shark megalodon were real. Their standards of reporting are pretty dismal.