TBT — Ghost Ship, Sailing on Water, Wind, & Light

Grasping at any excuse to stop thinking about the pandemic, for Throw-back Thursday, here is an updated repost from several years ago about an almost magical ghost ship.

What should a ghost ship be made of? Why not water, wind, and light? That is precisely what the designers at the Romanian art collective Visual Skin used to create the Ghost Ship, a glowing ship of light projected onto flowing water and billowing breezes. It floated gently on the water of canal in Amsterdam, with the spectral sails billowing in the wind. The ghost ship was part of the Amsterdam Light Festival of 2014. Since then the Ghost Ship has also appeared at Spotlight Bucharest and Berlin Leuchtet.

The Ghost Ship was conceived in Amsterdam, as a tribute to all 17th Century Dutch sail ships. It represented the very spirit of the Amsterdam, of the Batavia and of the Flying Dutchman. 

Ghost ship only appears at night

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