Thomas Downing, From Son of Slaves to Oyster King of New York City

In the decades before the Civil War, Thomas Downing, the son of slaves, became the acknowledged oyster king of New York City when New York was the oyster capital of the known universe.  He had learned how to rake oysters … Continue reading

SOAR Oyster Buyback Reseeding Reefs

The pandemic has been brutal to the restaurant industry. Likewise, the small-scale oyster growers of Barnegat and Delaware bays have been extremely hard hit as restaurants cut back on their orders or shut down altogether.  One bit of good news, … Continue reading

New Jersey’s Oystering Communities, Bivalve and Shellpile from 1993

Here is a wonderful short video from 1993, which visits Bivalve and Shellpile, the last of New Jersey’s oystering communities, near Port Norris, where the Maurice River meets the Delaware Bay. The oystering industry was once highly profitable. Port Norris … Continue reading

World’s Largest Oyster Reef in the Chesapeake and a Planned Billion Oysters in NYC

Will oysters help to clean up Chesapeake Bay and New York Harbor or will climate change take them out? The question came to mind recently when I read about the world’s largest man-made oyster reef recently finished on Harris Creek … Continue reading

The Oyster – Environmental Hero in New York and a Criminal in New Jersey

Recently a number of newspapers have run an Associated Press article  titled, “New York’s new environmental ‘hero’ – the oyster.”  The article describes how researchers are reseeding oysters in New York harbor   Each oyster can filter about 50 gallons of water a … Continue reading