Peter Wicked: A New Matty Graves Novel by Broos Campbell

Ok, I am about a month behind. The new Matty Graves novel has been out since early September. Then again as this blog has only been up for a few days perhaps I can be forgiven.

A review from Publisher’s Weekly:

Nautical adventure fans will welcome Campbell’s third novel to feature intrepid Matty Graves (after The War of Knives). In 1800, the 17-year-old Graves, “a bastard and a Negro” despite both parents being white, is recalled to Washington City, where his rank is reduced from acting lieutenant to midshipman, and he’s questioned about his role in a duel between his friend Peter Wickett and another officer. Graves’s fortunes later turn after he’s promoted to lieutenant and given his first command, the schooner Tomahawk. On joining the American squadron in Santo Domingo, he’s ordered to capture an American officer who’s stolen a naval vessel and turned pirate—Peter Wickett. Graves proves equally brave and resourceful at navigating the bureaucratic minefield of the U.S. navy and at steering a steady course through the treacherous politics of various nations—Spain, France, England, Denmark—vying for power in the Caribbean.

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