In honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day ….

Well it is that time of year again. In honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day ….

Somali-English dictionary

Spare me the lame” arrgghs” and “shiver me timbers”.   If you want to talk like a budhcad badeed (Somali for pirate) show some effort.

Or if you want to be old school, looking back to the 90s when the Straits of Malacca were a pirate hot spot, you could also try Bahasa Indonesian, which is a bit easier.   “Tarik, kau penyakit kudis anjing” (according to Google) means “heave to, you scurvy dog.”

It is also the start of the Jewish New Year.  So far, I haven’t figured out how to say Happy Rosh Hashanah in Somali.

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