Pearl Harbor, 70 Years Ago Today – Disbanding the Survivors Association

It was inevitable. The Pearl Harbor Survivors Association will observe the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor on this day in 1941.  It will be the  Association’s last observance. The group has too few remaining members to carry on and will disband on Dec. 31.  The organization was founded in 1958 with 28,000 members, all of whom were were at or in the vicinity of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii during the Japanese attack of December 7, 1941.  The association now has fewer than 10% of it original numbers and the continuing death toll due to age continues to reduce the number of survivors.  Twenty years ago at the 50th anniversary, 7,000 survivors attended the memorial ceremonies. This year roughly 125 are expected to be able to attend.

Pearl Harbor Still a Day for the Ages, but a Memory Almost Gone

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