
How to Sail a Full-Rigged Ship, Part 1 — 3 Comments

  1. Great idea Rick. One hopes that you run all the episodes they are much needed. This should teach all those “armchair seafarers” how it really works when under square-rig so different from a power-driven vessel. I was fortunate growing up that one of my Dad’s Senior Master (he managed had three ships) was a British Extra Master in both Sail and Steam who took time to instruct me. He also gave me his nautical library which I still have in the bookcase behind me as I write this.
    Good Watch.

  2. Excellent stuff!
    For a 45 years at sea, experienced “power driven” vessel Master and Pilot,
    but whose “sea fever” started with books read on the good old “windbags”
    this was a fantastic find. I still read books on sailing vessel, a great fan of the Onedin line and have managed to visit a few sailing vessels in Dundee and Dunkirk with wistful thoughts of having missed it all and feeling that somehowall those years at sea , circumnavigation, ice navigation and international harbour piloting still does not make me a “real” sailor unless I had time in sail or even better had rounded the Horn in sail!
    I wonder if at 65 I can at least make one small voyage in square sail somewhere! Meanwhile, arm-chair windbag sailing for me with surfing for information such as this most helpful one. Thanks & God Bless!
    Rev.Capt.David Simon