New Jersey Opening Bids on Major Offshore Wind Project

The State of New Jersey has opened the bidding on a 1,100 megawatt offshore wind project, the largest of any state in the nation. The project is the first step in meeting New Jersey’s goal to deploy 3,500 megawatts of offshore wind by 2030. New Jersey has more than a hundred oceanfront miles.

“Bidders will be required under the statute to pay a $150,000 application fee,” said Ken Sheehan, director of the Clean Energy Division at the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. “There are six primary criteria — they are the OREC purchase price, the economic impacts for the state, ratepayer impacts, environmental impacts, the strength of the guarantees of economic impacts and the likelihood of successful commercial completion. The purpose of this is not wind at any cost, it is to do this well, to do this smart.”

Governor Phil Murphy said in a statement, “In the span of nine months, New Jersey has vaulted to the front of the pack in establishing this cutting-edge industry. We campaigned on rebuilding New Jersey’s reputation as a clean energy leader and that involves setting an aggressive timetable on offshore wind.”


New Jersey Opening Bids on Major Offshore Wind Project — 8 Comments

  1. Do you really not realise what has happened in the rest of the world over the last 10-15 years? Try and keep up at the back there!

  2. Probably some sort of money-go-round thing – they have to buy the licences so they can reap the government subsidies? Same as the offshore oil industry.

  3. My grandson after a number of years training is now an inspector in all areas of work on offshore wind farms with Siemens in the UK this business is growing apace here the USA is playing catch up and needs to get in gear not get in the way?


  4. Its a booming industry all the way up the east coast of the UK (and other areas). Not only jobs for the manufacturers and installers of the turbines but also all the maintenance and operating personnel, service boat builders, worker’s accommodation providers etc. Good for the whole economy.