Corpus Christi’s Replica of Columbus’ Niña Sinks Again

When Hurricane Harvey blew through the US Gulf coast in August 2017, the replica of Columbus’ Niña sank at the dock in Corpus Christie, Texas. Last Tuesday, the replica sank again. ABC Channel KSAT 12 quotes Kim Mrazek, president of the Columbus Sailing Association, which helps maintain the ship.  She sank fast, but she is a survivor.

The city of Corpus Christi owns the boat and is sending divers in to assess the damage this week. Mrazek said she suspects it might be a rusty nail that caused a board to become loose.

She is strong, said MrazekShe was built four times stronger than she needed to be built.

While it’s unknown how long the repair process will take, the ship was set to embark on a journey to Aransas Pass, a city about 20 miles away, later this month to undergo some needed restoration.

The ship is the last remaining of the replica Columbus fleet that came to Corpus Christi in 1992. The fleet was a gift to the city from the government of Spain and sailed across the Atlantic to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the first Columbus voyage. In 2014, the replicas of La Pinta and La Santa Maria were deemed too costly to repair and were destroyed.


Corpus Christi’s Replica of Columbus’ Niña Sinks Again — 1 Comment