Drone Footage Captures Biggest Gathering of Sea Turtles Ever Caught on Camera

Raine Island, Australia, on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef, is one of the world’s largest nesting sites for green sea turtles. Researchers have found that drone cameras are the best way to count the young sea turtles.  Using the drone footage researchers have estimated that there were around 64,000 of the endangered green sea turtles at the rookery or almost twice as many as previously estimated. Thanks to Phil Leon for contributing to this post.

Great Barrier Reef: drone footage allows researchers to count 64,000 green sea turtles


Drone Footage Captures Biggest Gathering of Sea Turtles Ever Caught on Camera — 1 Comment

  1. Only spotted one in the wild once, near the beach off on O’ahu, that was back in the 70’s.