Third Replica Maryland Dove Under Construction

The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is nearing the completion of the construction of a new Maryland Dove, a reproduction of the 17th-century trading ship that accompanied the first settlers to what is now Maryland in 1634. Maryland Dove is owned by the state of Maryland and operated and maintained by the Historic St. Mary’s City Commission.

Ark and Dove were the two ships that began the Maryland Colony. Dove was a small, 40-ton capacity cargo ship purchased by Cecil Calvert and investors so that the colonists would have their own ship to use once Ark had sailed for England.

The new Maryland Dove is the third replica of the historic ship to be built. The first was built in 1934 to commemorate Maryland’s tercentenary. The second, in 1977, has served as a floating exhibit for Historic St. Mary’s City. The third Maryland Dove will be launched later this year.

A short video of this Summer’s progress building the new replica: 

Maryland Dove: Summer 2021 Progress Update

Thanks to Irwin Bryan for contributing to this post.

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