Two Novice Female Rowers Smash Transatlantic Record in Talisker Race

Photo: Atlantic Campaigns Pennybird SWNS

Congratulations to rowers Jessica Oliver and Charlotte Harris who finished five days ahead of their nearest rivals in the pairs category of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge when they rowed into Antigua on January 26 after starting from La Gomera in the Canary Islands last December 12. They also smashed the previous female pairs world record by five days, setting a new record of 45 days, 7 hours and 25 minutes in the 3,000-mile race.

Remarkably, when Oliver and Harris began training for the race, described as the “world’s toughest row,” in early 2020, they had zero rowing experience. 

‘It was the most emotional, overwhelming experience ever. I’m still in shock. I can’t believe it,’ said Oliver, 29, from Dowdeswell, Gloucestershire.

‘We’re amazed we even completed the challenge, let alone set a new record,’ said Harris, 30, from Ireland, now living in Fleet, Hampshire.

The pair’s goal has been to raise £100,000 for the charities Shelter and Women’s Aid.

This is not the first female rowing record to fall in this season of the Talisker race. We recently posted about three British women, one of whom has incurable cervical cancer, shattering the previous female trio world record by seven days.

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