On Lincoln’s Birthday — Lincoln’s Improved Camel Patent

Today is the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on February 20th, 1809.  He is know for rising from poverty, working as a rail splitter, and as a self-taught country lawyer before being elected as a congressman and ultimately as president. … Continue reading

Happy Presidents’ Day – Lincoln’s Improved Camel Patent

In the United States, today is “Presidents’ Day,”  a national holiday on the third Monday of February, falling between Lincoln’s (February 12th) and Washington’s (February 22) birthdays.  Here is an updated repost of the tale of a patent granted to … Continue reading

Happy President’s Day – Lincoln’s Camel

In the United States, today is “Presidents’ Day,”  a national holiday on the third Monday of February, falling between Lincoln’s (February 14th) and Washington’s  (February 22) birthdays.  Here is a repost of the tale of Lincoln’s camel that we ran back … Continue reading